SU2 6.2.0 for Raspbian Buster

Fancy doing some cool CFD with your Raspberry? Then, you must try the SU2 solver! Download here the pre-compiled version for Raspbian.

This is version 6.2.0 of SU2 and it was compiled with GCC 8.3 using a Raspberry Pi 3. The binaries are distributed using self-extracting archives which were created using They can be downloaded from this page directly or using wget.

Instructions for the static version

This version of SU2 does not require any external library, you can just download and run it on your Raspberry. However, support for parallel computing and the Python interface are both disabled. To download, extract and run this version, you can run these commands in your shell:

# Download the static version
wget ""

# Run the self-extracting archive

# Go to the new directory
cd SU2-6.2.0_serial_static

# Run SU2

Remember, you can add this folder to your PATH by following the instructions given by the self-extracting archive. You’ll be able to run SU2 from any directory.

Instructions for the parallel version

This version of SU2 does require some external libraries, specifically Python 2.7 (installed by default on Raspbian Buster) and OpenMPI. These are needed to enable support for parallel computing and the Python interface. To download, extract and run this version, you can run these commands in your shell:

# Download the parallel version
wget ""

# Run the self-extracting archive

# Go to the new directory
cd SU2-6.2.0_parallel

# Run SU2 with 2 processes
mpirun -n 2 SU2_CFD 

Remember, you can add this folder to your PATH by following the instructions given by the self-extracting archive. You’ll be able to run SU2 from any directory.

A simple test case: NACA 0012

Running a simple test-case is the best way to check if SU2 is providing accurate results. The attachment contains a mesh for a NACA 0012 and the corresponding configuration files for steady-state, Euler flow. These files are taken from the official SU2 6.2.0 source package. To run the testcase using

# Download the NACA 0012 test case
wget ""

# Extract the file
tar xfv naca0012.tgz

# Go to the new directory
cd naca0012

# Run SU2 w
PATH_TO_SU2/SU2_CFD inv_NACA0012.cfg

# Run SU2 with 2 processes - parallel version
mpirun -n 2 PATH_TO_SU2/SU2_CFD inv_NACA0012.cfg

Remember to replace PATH_TO_SU2 with the actual path to SU2.


File Description File size Downloads
run Built with support for parallel computing (open-mpi) and including the Python wrapper (python2.7)
19 MB 207
run Statically-linked binaries. No MPI, no Python wrapper and no need for external libraries
16 MB 226
tgz naca0012 Simple NACA 0012 test case, taken from the official SU2 git repositories. This can be used to check if SU2 is working correctly.
196 KB 195

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